Thursday, September 3, 2009

After taking the learning style quiz I discovered that I have a slight tendency to learn better from a kinesthetic angle but a close second was visual and reading/writing was pretty close too. I now know that almost any style of learning will generally be good for me as long as it is not aural. With this information I will be able to know that I should listen more carefully and put forth more of an effort to remember the things that I am being told so that I can apply them to other things. When I am hearing things that are said to me it would be helpful to write down as much of it as I can because I am good at keeping things to memory once it goes through my head and transfers down my arm, to my hand, through the pen and onto the paper. Also when classes have labs along the side of lectures I should take advantage of them as much as I can, I definitely should keep involved and not let a partner do a lot of the work because I wont be able to get anything out of it unless I physically participate. This will help me if I have choices of learning through a movie class or like a music class I’ll know that I should probably do a  movie class over a music class because it will be easier. I am glad though that I have three ways that I can learn pretty well from and only one that I’m not so good at learning from. Also now that I know this information about the way that I learn I can apply it not only to the things that I learn in a classroom but also to anything in my life.

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