Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hi my name’s Kym and I am excited to become a part of this community! In the past I have mainly written things for other English classes based on the books that we read or events that too place. I never really wrote just because I felt like it; there was always an assignment attached. I am not a fan of writing, although I do appreciate the writings of others. I don’t mind writing; it is just not one of the things on my fun list of things to do. My least favorite type of writing is when I’m telling my opinions on things rather than just stating facts.

I speak a little bit of Spanish because I took classes for three and a half years and also a lot of people that lived around me spoke Spanish as either their first or second language. Hopefully in the future I will be able to learn German and a little bit of Russian. I feel like writing can be very different depending upon the language it is originally written in. Knowing this I would like to be able to read books in their natural language instead of a translated version. I don’t read for “fun” necessarily. I read many books that are usually suggested to me by others or that I come across and notice a pretty cover. I try to read books as fast as I can to get them over with, which is sometimes hurtful but also sometimes beneficial.

I came to college so that I could continue learning and so that in the future I won’t be held back by my amount of knowledge. I want to be able to do whatever I want when I want to. Humboldt State in particular caught my eyes because the surrounding area was very beautiful and also because I felt like it was a small enough school so that I wouldn’t be confused or intimidated. My major is General Biology for the moment and eventually as I go through classes I expect this to get much more specific. I will most likely lean towards the marine type of biology or take classes necessary for dental school. As a student I am pretty strong in Science and Math but very weak in Social Sciences and English. I learn best when things are hands on and when I know how things will apply to real life situations.

I came across a quote by Friedrich Nietzche a few days ago in my planner that stated, “the surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” This makes me think about how diverse everyone is on campus and for that matter around the world. I want to make sure that I am accepting and willing to learn about others that are not so much like myself and hopefully apply some things to my life and my writing to improve it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You wrote, "I feel like writing can be very different depending on the language. Knowing this I would like to be able to read books in their natural language instead of a translated version."

    Kym, you are so right about different cultures having different styles of rhetoric. I have read some Russian education theorists, and it took me a long time and great effort to understand them. The way they were making their point was unlike anything I had ever read.
