Thursday, October 15, 2009


In some ways I am more confident about the portfolio due at the end of the semester and in others I am a little nervous about. I am not concerned so much about the formatting and everything that has to go along with the formatting because there was a lot of good examples and very detailed instructions on what to do. I just need to take the time to review it all and not miss anything. I’m also not too concerned with the writing because I feel like there is a lot of time to try and make improvements upon it and we are getting a lot of peers help with our writing skills throughout the semester, so we should be prepared at the end.

I am nervous about the readers not being able to relate and I have never really had my writing looked at without somebody knowing that I wrote it. I feel a little uncomfortable because of this but I think that all f these worries should be washed away through solid hard work throughout this semester and then there will be no way that I don’t end up passing and being able to write for the rest of college.

I feel pretty good about the portfolio and I am glad that there is so much that is preparing me for it. The guidelines and such are very helpful and the passage rates make me feel more at ease with it.

1 comment:

  1. And now you have an idea of what it is those anonymous readers are looking for: "sustained, substantial analysis."

    Make sure the analysis runs through your whole paper, i.e. sustain your analysis by making all your details are relevant to your thesis.

    Substantiate your argument with support from trustworthy sources and make sure you keep the "so what? and who cares?" questions addressed throughout.
