Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quick Access 28,30,31

28) In Developing a Search Strategy I read that you need to begin with an organized way to collect the information necessary for your research paper and with this collection you also must have an organized way to represent how and what type of information you collected. There are three basic methods that can be used, it just depends what sort of topic you have chosen to research. There are also two different types of sources that can be gotten, primary and secondary. Primary resources are first hand that can be got by surveying or observing things yourself and secondary would be any research done from books and the opinions of experts that you may use. So in order to record all of the information that receive either through surveying, field research, observations made or interviews done there must be a particular style and format that suits it best. Whenever research is done, some details about where it came from should be taken down right away so that it will make a bibliography later much easier. There are two types of bibliographies, working and annotated. A working bibliography is a beginning list of sources that have been gathered together and just have some basic qualities. An annotated bibliography is all of the sources but also the author’s comments about what they got out of the source and what they put towards their research paper.

30) Researching the web wisely is very useful for this research paper that we are writing. Library databases can be very useful and reliable as compared to the general web that anybody can put anything up. One thing I learned was that a URL stands for Universal Resource Locator which makes a lot of sense, when the web is used somebody is usually looking for something or sharing their knowledge, making resources available to all. Search engines can be very useful if your topic is specific enough and you don’t only have to use keywords in order to search I learned that there are broad subject directories available to click on and they get more narrow and bring up some websites that will pertain to your specific topic. There are also search engines that use a bunch of other search engines, which basically is like a mega search engine, which can be useful if your topic is narrow enough, because if it is too broad then too many websites will come up that don’t really have any useful information for you. Once you find the websites, you must decide whether or not they can be trusted. Generally reliable websites have specific endings in the URL that pertain to education or government, they also have authors that are experts in their subjects, they can be print sources that have been put online and they also should have been updated recently so that the information is current.

31) Plagiarism is when you give somebody’s ideas and they appear to be your own. Plagiarism can range from something that is very intentionally wrong like taking a paper bought offline to a small thing like forgetting to put quotation marks on a sentence. Some other countries may consider it acceptable to copy the writing of experts in the subject area even without citing their information. In order to prevent yourself from getting trouble either in school or in the workplace it’s so important to learn about proper citing and quotation techniques. Not only should you make sure to give credit to the sentences that you use in your paper but also to the concepts and ideas that you get from reading the information that’s researched.

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