Wednesday, November 4, 2009

They Say I Say Readings

Chapter Two: “Her Point Is” The Art of Summarizing

There are a few reasons why summarizing is avoided, either an author doesn’t want to take time to go back and look deep at the text or they don’t want their ideas to be pushed to the side. Sometimes summarizing can be done n the wrong way and sound like a list, boring the reader from the beginning. Unless the summary is of a satirical nature, a good balance between the original authors writing and the writer’s point of view. It’s important to be able to summarize without putting your point of view on it just yet because otherwise it will be biased. A summary shouldn’t be too brief, if it is then it seems as if the author hasn’t actually paid attention to what they are talking about. Another situation that may happen when you can’t put yourself in the other person’s shoes is that you may begin to make assumptions and lump their point of views in with something they’re not. Although you should summarize by representing the author’s view you must also consider where you are trying to go with it. There are a variety of verbs that may be used to help specify what the author’s emotions or intentions are behind it.

Chapter Three: “As He Himself Puts It” The Art of Quoting

Quoting the exact words of somebody can be very powerful, more powerful than a summary if done correctly because it gives more credibility. Sometimes people may quote too much or too little, it’s important t find a good medium for your writing. A quote must be very relevant to your topic or point and it needs to be surrounded by information so that it’s not just left without any direction or relevance. Writing may change very rapidly so quotes should be checked throughout the process to ensure they maintain their relevance. Surrounding the quote should be an introduction and after the quote their should be an explanation of its worth and meaning. When using quotes, don’t rely solely on it, blend the author’s meaning and apply it to your own thoughts.


  1. I think its odd how people avoid summarizing... I find it easier than quoting, but quoting does have a powerful effect when you persent an argument. I believe that over all you got the whole gist of the readings.

  2. Apparently, inproper summarizing can inflict closest cliche syndrome on people. That is very bad because its been speading like wild fire the past couple of years and its really getting on my nerves.
